Over time, your brake fluid can absorb water. Because water and oil don’t mix, this leaves little pockets of water in your brake lines, which is bad news. The brake fluid does not compress, giving you good steady pressure on your brakes, but the water does compress. If you have too much water in your brake lines, your brake pedal will feel soft, and you’ll have to press the brakes much harder to stop or slow your vehicle. When this happens, it’s time for a brake system flush.
What is a brake system flush?
When you call us for a brake flush, the waterlogged brake fluid is flushed out of the brake system. Much like a blood transfusion, new brake fluid is being added to replace the old fluid during the flush.
How often should I get brake flush services done?
Ideally, you should flush the brake fluid in your car either every 2 to 3 years or every 24,000 to 36,000 miles—whichever comes first. The more moisture that your brake fluid absorbs, the less effective your brakes will be, so keep weather conditions in mind as well, as they may shorten the time between flushes.
Where can I get brake system flush services? When you call The Brake Squad, we come to you. We use an electronic tester to determine if you need a brake flush first. Then, our team performs the flush on the spot and takes the old brake fluid to be recycled.