I just got all four brakes and rotors replaced this past weekend (5/26). I’ll update this review if anything should change, but as of right now:
1. Very responsive. I sent a question asking if they serve the DC area and they wrote me next day. They don’t, but they do service a location in VA that was only 12 minutes from me. It was still convenient and easy. We went to the Ballston Mall while we waited.
2. Punctual and timely. I didn’t have to wait. Alex was there before me and called to let me know where I could find him. It only took one hour to replace everything!
3. Honest. Alex checked my brake pads and said that I didn’t have to replace them right away. Dealership lied to us when we got our oil changed. Rotors were definitely not great, but was still safe and could wait until the brake pads were more worn down. He didn’t try to push me to get the work done that day. I ended up doing it because my wife drives long distance quite a bit and wanted it to be comfortable for her.
4. Friendly. When I called to confirm my appointment, Crystal was professional and very friendly even though I only booked a few days out and needed an early appointment. Lisa responded quickly to all my Yelp emails.
5. Reliable. I think this will be the case because another customer arrived while Alex was finishing up. I spoke with him and he said it was his second car and was very happy with the work on his first car.
CONS (not really a con)
1. Wish they serviced DC, but this isn’t really a con since it was still super easy to go to VA. Just mentioning this because I think they would have a decent market in DC. 🙂
Thanks again for making this super easy and the drive this weekend was super smooth.