There are a few items that car owners should keep in their vehicle in order to be prepared for unexpected situations. In part I of this blog we talked about jumper cables, a first aid kit, kitty litter, and a spare tire being essential items to keep in your car, along with making sure you have a reliable brake repair service company, in order to make sure your car is kept in optimal shape. Here are a few more items to make sure you keep in your vehicle:
Tire pressure gauge: This small and affordable tool is great for having on hand to make sure your tires have enough air in them, especially while on a long road trip.
Fire extinguisher: A tool that you will hopefully never need, you still want to make sure you have a fire extinguisher on hand in case disaster strikes.
Blanket: A blanket can serve a multitude of uses, from keeping you warm in the winter if your car breaks down and you’re waiting for a tow, to giving you something to lie on if you need to get on the ground and look under the car, or to protect your seats if you need to place dirty tools on them while making a repair.
In addition to relying on The Brake Squad for your brake repair service when the need arises, these are a few items you should make sure you keep in your vehicle in the event of an emergency. Come back for the final part of this blog for just a few more things that you should always keep in your car.